A Concert of G&S 

We are delighted to welcome Charlotte Kennedy and Ross Ferres who are young students studying for their Masters Degree from The Royal College of Music.

They will give us a concert following the AGM of items mostly from Gilbert and Sullivan  and will be accompanied by Tim Smith.    This event has been sponsored by the generous bequest of Dr. Alan Young.

At  Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, WC1R 4RL

On Thursday 28th September 2023 commencing at 7.15pm

The 100th AGM  

We hope  to provide a Zoom Conferencing link.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the 99th Annual General Meeting (please click here to read the minutes of the 99th AGM)
  3. Matters arising
  4. Annual report
  5. Finance statement
  6. Election of President and Vice-Presidents
  7. Election of Honorary Officers: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Membership including Affiliated Societies Secretary, Librarian, Sales
  8. Election of up to four other Trustees to form the Executive Committee, with the Officers
  9. Confirmation of the appointment of non-Trustee Committee Officers as recommended by the Executive Committee
  10. Appointment of the Society’s Auditor
  11. Any other business, at the discretion of the Chair

Nominations in writing, seconded, and signed by the proposer and seconder, should reach the Hon Sec by Friday 22nd  September. No nominations will be accepted after that date. Those nominated as Officers and Committee must be paid-up members of the Society and indicate that they are willing to serve. A list of serving Officers and Committee members as at the date of this notice is below. All would be willing to continue to serve if nominated.

In accordance with the Society’s rules, Committee members elected under items 7 and 8 will automatically become Trustees of the Society. The Executive Committee may at any time appoint additional committee members as they see fit.

If any member wishes to raise an issue of Society policy, please inform the Hon Secretary in writing by Friday 22 September.

Robert Gray, Hon Secretary
26 Southview Road, Benfleet, Essex. SS7 5NA

Overseas members and others who live too far away to join our meetings in London can log in for the AGM business meeting. Members will be able link into the meeting by computer or mobile ‘phone. You could also take part by ‘phoning in to the meeting on an ordinary ‘phone line. 

If you would like to take part, then please email our Secretary at mrgoldbury @ hotmail.com (human beings please delete the spaces). He will provide log-in details.

ITEMS 6-10


Cynthia Morey


Leon Berger, Simon Butteriss, Lorraine Daniels, Andrew Goodman, Bruce Graham, Linda Anne Hutchison, Gillian Knight, David Mackie, Valerie Masterson CBE, Richard Suart


Chairman: John Penn 

Secretary: Robert Gray

Treasurer: John Tritton 

Programme Secretary: Angie Penn

Librarian: Alan Parfitt 

Membership Sec: Zena Wigram

Sales: Christine Parfitt 

Affiliated Socs: Zena Wigram and Robert Gray


Katie Barnes, Celia Lyons, Peter Mountsteven


Curators Alan and Christine Parfitt

G&S News Editor: Angie Penn


Community 360

The AGM will be followed by a programme by two outstanding students from the Royal College of Music. 

Charlotte Kennedy (soprano) and Ross Fettes (baritone) will perform favourites from The Pirates of Penzance, Ruddigore, and HMS Pinafore, among other gems.

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society is a charity registered in England and Wales - charity no. 1062970 This website was made possible by a generous legacy from Vice-President Peter Parker.
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