If you're interested in all things Gilbert and Sullivan - do join us!

We welcome everyone who is interested in Gilbert and Sullivan.

United Kingdom: £25  (direct debit £20)     Overseas: £30  (unless you have a UK bank account and can set up a direct debit for £25)

What you'll get:

  • A host of new friends!


  • An excellent programme of events, both online and in person, including performances, lectures and social gatherings
  • A regular email of happenings in the world of Gilbert and Sullivan (monthly September - May)
  • Our magazine, Gilbert & Sullivan News, is published three times a year, and contains a wealth of interesting articles and information about the world of Gilbert and Sullivan, news, reviews, interviews, and anything of interest about the lives, music and literature of Arthur Sullivan and W. S. Gilbert.

Are you a member of an appreciation or performing Society or Organisation where  Gilbert and Sullivan features largely on your agenda?

We are proud to have Affiliated Societies and Organisations linked to us from across the world.

For the price of a single membership, you can advertise your events on our website, receive our magazine three times a year and enjoy all the benefits of membership of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society.

If you're looking for instructions for paying your membership fees, this article should give all the information you need: Ways to pay your membership subscription

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society is a charity registered in England and Wales - charity no. 1062970 This website was made possible by a generous legacy from Vice-President Peter Parker.
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