"Literary merit meets with proper recognition"

In order to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the first night of The Mikado, we will have an invited cast,   including three of our Vice Presidents,  reading and semi-staging Tony Joseph's play 'Licence Withdrawn'.  This includes some musical items from the opera accompanied by Tim Smith.

This will be proceeded with an illustrated talk by Vincent Daniels who will be joined by Nick Dobson and Leon Berger.  The presentation will focus on the background to the play which is set in 1907 when The Mikado was banned for fear of upsetting Japanese delegates visiting the UK on a state visit.  


The Club for Acts and Actors
20 Bedford Street

Voluntary contribution:

Members £5         Non-members £10

Tickets can be purchased in advance on line or on the door

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Ticket Cost Quantity
Gilbert & Sullivan Society March 2025 event - mem £5.00 Members only
Gilbert & Sullivan Soc March 2025 event non mem £10.00

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The Gilbert and Sullivan Society is a charity registered in England and Wales - charity no. 1062970 This website was made possible by a generous legacy from Vice-President Peter Parker.
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