Gilbert and Sullivan Society Meetings

Hiding in Plain Sight or Seeking the Lost Arthur Sullivan
G&S Society Meeting November 2021

"Iolanthe, an influential fairy?"
G&S Society meeting January 2022

BBC Podcast

The BBC made a podcast for Surrey Day this year. The programme was broadcast on BBC Radio Surrey on 13th May and again on Monday 29th May. It is all about the waterways of Surrey, which may not be of interest, BUT there is a whole segment interviewing the new owner of D 'Oyly Carte Island at Weybridge - built by Richard D'Oyly Carte.

If you want to skip all the interesting waterways bits, the D'Oyly Carte segment starts just before the 47 minute mark.

BBC Proms 2005 HMS Pinafore

HMS Pinafore as performed at the BBC Proms in 2005.

Princess Ida by The Really Authentic Gilbert and Sullivan Performance Trust

The RAGSPT staged the complete cycle of the Gilbert and Sullivan operas in chronological order in Dunedin, New Zealand, between 2002 and 2012. They have made their videos freely available - this link is to Princess Ida on YouTube.

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society is a charity registered in England and Wales - charity no. 1062970 This website was made possible by a generous legacy from Vice-President Peter Parker.
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