What's on

Category: Other events

Trial by Jury and concert - Grims Dyke Opera

Affiliated Organisation event
8 Sep 2024 7:00pm

Ruddigore - Grims Dyke Opera

Affiliated Organisation event
27 Oct 2024 5:00pm
three Japanese women

three Japanese womenThe Mikado - Grims Dyke Opera

Affiliated Organisation event
17 Nov 2024 5:00pm

The Pirates of Penzance - English National Opera

Other event
2 Dec 2024 7:00pm

Iolanthe - Grims Dyke Opera

Affiliated Organisation event
15 Dec 2024 5:00pm

Opera Anywhere

Affiliated Organisation event
26 Jan 2025 2:45pm
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society is a charity registered in England and Wales - charity no. 1062970 This website was made possible by a generous legacy from Vice-President Peter Parker.
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