Vic Golding celebration poster

A celebration of Vic Golding's life in music, with contributions from

  • The Gilbert and Sullivan Society and friends
  • Harrow U3A Choir
  • Harrow Apollo Male Choir
  • Kingsbury Amateur Operatic Society

at St Anselm's Parish Church
Westfield Park
Hatch End

(nearest station: Hatch End; bus routes H14 and H12; on-street parking)

Entry free - retiring collection

Vic had a lifelong love of the operas of Gilbert and Sullivan. As well as singing in productions with KAOS and White Knight, he was a member of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, and sang bass for years in the Grims Dyke Opera chorus. Singers from all those groups have joined together for the G&S part of this celebration.

Conducted by Zena Wigram, they will sing excerpts from:

  • Iolanthe
  • Trial by Jury
  • HMS Pinafore
  • The Pirates of Penzance
  • The Gondoliers

with guest soloists Bruce Graham, Bryan Kesselman and Leon Berger.

The Gilbert and Sullivan Society is a charity registered in England and Wales - charity no. 1062970 This website was made possible by a generous legacy from Vice-President Peter Parker.
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